Fashion, art, innovation….. and Sustainable! Awe-inspiring creations by Gary Harvey


Fashion designer Gary Harvey’s eco-couture line is created entirely out of recycled and refurbished clothing items. That is correct, each of those dramatic, and beautiful gowns above, is completely sustainable!

Harvey says “The collection was initially set up to raise awareness of limited natural resources and environmental issues involved in placing unwanted clothing into landfill and generate respect for the craftsmanship in recycling/upcycling.” What a great initiative to not only raise awareness around the environmental issues surrounding the fashion industry, but also counter the stigma that all sustainable and recycled clothing looks “granola”. Harvey’s gowns are far from what many people would picture as recycled clothing, each one is a work of art. In fact, Harvey’s gowns haven’t just received attention in fashion events, and the media, but have also been in art galleries and museums, including the Museum of Modern Art.

For more of Harvey’s work, visit his website here:!eco-couture/cyuu
